Wallace Park
Homeowners Association



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Board Members
  • Richard Kirsch
  • Kim Thiers
  • Pauline Moyles 
  • Dave Martinez
  • Senela Usanovic

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why can't I park on the street.
Many reasons.  First it is against association rules.  That rule is in place mainly for emergency access.  At all times there must be access to our streets for fire equipment, police and ambulance.  Think if there would be a fire in your unit on any unit above or below you.  There must be total unrestricted access at all times.  Cars parked on the street will be towed at the owners expense. If in an emergency situation it will simply pushed out of the way by fire equipment. Secondly the streets must be open for snow removal.  Borough ordinances also prohibit street parking once 3 inches of snow has fallen. The plow can not navigate around vehicles.  The streets just are not wide enough to do so.  Streets also must be open for trash pickup and delivery trucks. 

   2.  Why isn't the street cleaned all the way down to the asphalt?

Many times there is a need to leave snow on top of ice underneath in order to get traction.  Salt will not work below 21 degrees and we do not have enough street traffic to make salt work better. 

  3.   Why doesn't the garbage men take all the trash and why can't I put my trash out whenever I want?

By contract with the borough the trash collectors will not pick up bags of torn up trash, automotive and construction materials, pails with paint still in them among other items. Check the borough web site for more details.  It is also a violation of borough ordinances to place your trash out for collection before 3pm on Tuesday and cans must be retrieved by 8pm on Wednesday.   Your neighbors do not want to look at your trash for several days just as you do not want it in front of your home.

  4.  Pets

This is an issue in all neighborhoods. Members of the community and board members can not police pet owners who do not clean up after their pets or let them run lose, but the Borough can and has ordinances prohibiting these practices. If you see a violation and know who the owner is, please contact the Borough code enforcement and file a complaint. The Association has a zero tolerance policy in this matter but can not file a complaint unless it is actually seen.  The Association will though enforce regulations on an owner who will not clean up their own property in conjunction with the borough.

  5. Borough Landfill Site

The borough has been filling in the area of the park since before our homes where even built.  Prior to this activity the area was a swamp.  We have had several discussions with the borough and legal counsel.  It is borough property and as such only the borough or its assignee's are permitted to use the land.  We can not stop the borough from continuing to legally use its land.  What we have done and continue to do though as an association is keep after the borough to keep the area as clean as possible.  They have cooperated and try to shield the area with trees.

6.  Paint and Stain

This is the stain formula.  Paint is Glidden Stratford Brown.
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Documents (pdf)

Vertical Siding Specs - Jan 2005
Board Member Code of Conduct
Rules and Regulations Revisions - March 2009
Vertical Vinyl Siding Specifications
Satellite Dish Rules
Retractable Awning Specifications
Rule Violation Report
Alteration Request Form
Notice of Intent to Install Antenna



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���¯���¿���½ 2012 Wallace Park Homeowners Association